Cancellation Policy.

Here at Skin By Joanne O’Connell, we prioritise the best interests of our clients and subsequently offer understanding in regards to cancellations when 48hrs notice is given. Our time is extremely valuable as a small business with flexible hours.

We ask that all bookings are secured with credit card details. In the case of a ‘no-show’ appointment where no contact has been made with us and no explanation has been provided, you will be charged for the entire amount of your appointment. This money will be held to cover your next appointment.

If you cancel/reschedule less than 48 hours prior to your appointment then we will ask that you provide a deposit for your next appointment.

If you wish to cancel/reschedule your appointment, please contact us directly so we can relay our policy to your where it applies and work from there.

We hope, as a small business coping with the aftermath of the pandemic, you offer us your patience and understanding when enforcing this policy.